Thursday, April 1, 2010

Waiting for Transplant - T minus 4 Days

Hello Friends and Fab Fam:

Trudy received her last chemo infusion this morning. That's a relief, but as we now know that does not mean that all the stressful treatments have vanished. In fact, she received another drug this afternoon that also was yucky. So chemo+atgsnopicnic.

If you're like me, you've probably never heard of Antithymocyte Globulin (ATG)! Well Trudy got an introduction today. It is an important infusion in that it prepares Trudy's almost vacant bone marrow to receive the new cells. Also, the ATG will help with the potential for rejection called Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD). The thing is, it is as harsh as chemo in the side effects. So, Trudy had two pretty mean spirited infusions today to endure. Tomorrow, thankfully, there is no chemo. While there will be one more ATG, we are confident the day will go better.

Once again we are thankful for blessed sleep and for helpful pharmaceuticals...and most importantly...the great effect of your faithful prayers. Please pray that she will continue to hold up well through these challenges and that as the chemo has done its job, so will the stem cells from "Juanito" and "Mic," as they are introduced to "Benoit." A Cajun girl getting stem cells from an Aussie and a Spaniard...this will be interesting.

Much love and blessings,
Trudy and Robert