Friday, April 2, 2010

Waiting for Transplant - T minus 3 Days

Hello Friends and Family,

Correction, there was one more chemo this morning! That is complete and Trudy is now being infused with the ATG meds. Because of the cumulative effects of the chemos/reduction of blood cells, this is a particularly challenging day for Trudy. She accepts the need and is a great patient...doing everything she is asked. She is quite weak today but she does not have to do any physical activity for a couple of days.

She will also begin an oral medication regimine today called: Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF). This is an immunosuppresent drug to work with other drugs to condition Trudy's body to receive the transplant without the harsh rejection issues.

This morning, Trudy's physician, Dr. Shpall, grabbed me by the arm and said, "Today is the day we need you to help. Are you ready?" I replied, "I'm ready, send me in coach!" Made the whole staff LOL. Fact is, I thank God that He has me well and able for such a time as this. Trudy and I are both amazed with how attentive the nurses and staff have been. They check on her just the right frequency and they seem to anticipate special times to check on her. We are grateful for the great people, compassionate and skilled, with whom are entrusted with Trudy's care.

Please continue to pray for tolerate these meds as well as possible and to continue to make excellent progress in preparing for Monday's infusion of stem cells. I thank God, too, for the parents of the children we have named "Jaunito" and "Mic," who, years ago, consented to the umbilical cords of their children to be harvested for the purpose of giving someone the precious gift of their stem cells. We know that this has all been divinely purposed and planned by our great God.

Trudy and Robert