Saturday, April 3, 2010

Waiting for Transplant - T minus 2 Days

Hello Family and Friends,

Whew! The last 48 hours were a bigger challenge than we had expected...but, the chemo is finally over and Trudy has a couple of days of "rest" on her schedule. Thank you for the prayer support, expecially at least one of you who I happen to know, awoke and was praying for Trudy in the wee hours this morning. I suppose that happens more than we know, that God stirs someone to pray for Trudy without knowing anything about what's going one...and it is a divine prayer appointment. So, as we have said to so many of you...each and every prayer, whenever and however needed.

The ATG infussions that were piggybacked after the Fludarabine, were rough customers. Trudy was indeed a hard-working patient as the infusions required constant vital sign checks, adjustments, and support meds. Itwasnopicnic, but she trudged through and is now just a few oral meds this side of the transplant on Monday. Juanito and Mic...Benoit awaits!!!

I don't think I've blogged this news, but we have known for about a month, that Trudy's transplant doctor was not going to be with her for the full process. Dr. Giralt had accepted a position in NYC, where he will be the head of the transplant program at a prestigious hospital. We hate to see him go, but wish him godspeed as he furthers the science of stem cell transplantation in his new position. Trudy has been seen on G-11 by Dr. Shpall, and we wondered if she might be the one that Dr. Giralt would select for Trudy...and today, she asked Trudy if it was okay with her if she and Dr. Giralt could proceed with the transfer. Trudy was pleased with the news and gave Dr. Shpall the okay. So, Dr. Shpall now has temporary custody of Juanito and Mic; and will administer the transplant on Monday.

Trudy, as always responds with renewed vigor as prayer support so wonderfully helps her through these challenges. She has a couple of "days off" and then the work restarts on Monday, first with the actual transplantation of the cords.

Trudy and Robert