Monday, April 5, 2010

Transplant Day for Trudy

Dear Family and Friends:

Amazing! Wendy, Katy, and I, watched with Trudy as the cells made their way from the IV bag, down the tubing, and into her body through the CVC. The first infusion was at 11:30 a.m., and the second at 2:30 p.m., with each lasting only about 20 min. Many thoughts and prayers were expressed in those trancendent moments. I think that Tami and I were on the same page as she posted, "go baby, go!" and my thought/prayer, was: "Children Go Where I Send Thee!" from an old Spiritual.

We only know that Trudy has a number of waiting days before her as the next "key" event will be the morning that the labs reveal that the White Blood Cells are on the move. With a cord blood stem cell transplant, the waiting period can be anywhere from 12 to 20 days. What that means for Trudy, is that she will be on lots of meds and days of feeling quite puny. As we pray for those baby stem cells to go to work, we also pray that all infections and virus' will keep their distance! These are critical days in all regards and your prayers are going to be what keeps her going.

Muchas Gracias and G'day mates,
Trudy and Robert