Thursday, April 22, 2010


Dear Friends, Dear Family:

This Wednesday has been a very quiet day for Trudy. Her doctors feel that being awake and struggling with the ventilator would be not only frustrating, it would also tire her too much. Thus, she remains comfortably sedated.

As she sleeps, meds that target the specific virus are being administered. Katy, sister; and Brian, son; have given WBC's. WBC's know their primary job is to find infections and fight them into oblivion. Tomorrow, Lloyd, brother-in-law; will donate WBC's for Trudy's use. This is new technology and MDA is one of two hospitals in the USA to actually transfuse these cells. For Trudy, the hope is that once in her body, they will do for her what her own blood cells would normally take on. They may not be as efficient as her own, but Dr. DeLima does feel that they are helpful. Frankly, it is the only thing we can do to help Trudy's body go on the offensive against these angry foes. So, please pray that tomorrow's infusion will provide some measure of help for Trudy.

We consider the most important development, though, will be the engraftment of the stem cells. When engraftment comes, her body will produce WBC's and they will be sent directly to places that they are needed. We pray that engraftment will happen soon for Trudy...soon enough to prevent further damage to her internal organs.

We find the fervency, frequency and force of our prayers has amazingly increased. So have yours! We thank you for the gift of your love, compassion, encouraging notes, and prayers. May God's great heart grant her His healing and Grace.

Trudy and Robert