Sunday, March 28, 2010

Waiting for Transplant_T-8 Days

Hello All,

Wanted to let you know that the doctor came to Trudy's room to examine her and consider the cough issue. After an examination and review of her concerns, he explained that the cough is residual from her infection from last week and is actually showing significant improvement...and...not a matter to delay the chemo/transplant process. All systems are "GO" for takeoff.

The chemo will begin this afternoon. There are actually three different components to the chemo. Day one is a relatively short infusion that can be hard on one's mouth and throat. She will be keeping ice in her mouth and an ice pack on her throat to constrict the blood vessels and reduce the chance of mouth sores.

After the chemo, Trudy can eat lunch and we plan to go for a stroll. Today being a mild chemo, she is allowed to go "off" the floor. We will probably go down to the second floor where there is an area known as the Park. It is a large atrium area with park benches and plenty of room to stroll.

Dr. Koller once told Trudy about a report: "This is good. And good is...good." Today is a good day. And good is...good." The Psalmist said it like this: This is the day which the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

Thanks again for the prayers. Now that the chemo process has begun, please pray that the drugs will accomplish the job that is intended with the least side effects on Trudy.

Trudy and Robert