Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Waiting for Transplant March 2nd Update

Hello Faithful Friends and Family,

I wanted to get this prayer request to you. On Thursday afternoon, we will have a telephone consult with Dr. Giralt, Trudy's transplantation doctor at M. D. Anderson Hospital. We anticipate that he will tell us his recommendations for the donor source and what to expect for a timetable.

Here is our prayer request: we are specifically praying that the actual selection of the donor will be directed by God so that exactly the "right" donor will provide the stem cell material that will become Trudy's new life sustaining blood cells and bone marrow. Medical science will provide the best data possible, we are confident of that...but God alone knows the intricacies of Trudy's DNA and the donor's DNA that will be a perfect match...we ask for His guidance in this selection decision and provision.

Please pray and believe with us.

Trudy and Robert