Saturday, February 20, 2010

Waitng for Transplant - Update

Dear Friends and Family,

The three and a half days in Houston were pretty rugged for Trudy. On Monday, there was the travel down to Houston after the weekend retirement festivities. On Tuesday, there was the long morning wait for the Bone Marrow Aspiration procedure. Reinforcements arrived on Wednesday, as Wendy and Katy joined us for the meeting with Dr. Giralt, Trudy's transplantation physician. Finally, on Thursday, we had an appointment with Dr. Koller, Trudy's main attending physician throughout the last three years of treatments.

Well, the meeting with Dr. Giralt was pretty tough. He did confirm that the MDS is persistent and advancing, the best course of action being a Stem Cell Transplant from a donor. We expected that...but then we discovered that the 34 potential donors that had been identified through the national donor registry are NOT ideal matches for Trudy. Though close enough to use if necessary, the use of a "less than ideal" donor presents significantly greater risks for Trudy. So the search continues for a better matching donor. Also, there are two very possible alternatives: transplanting the stem cells from the donated umbilical cord after the birth of an infant or transplanting the stem cells of one of our children.

The "Cord cell" transplant has the positives of less rejection issues and the negatives of taking an extended time for the transplanted cells to mature and provide the needed amount of red bloods cells, white blood cells, and platelets. With this approach the greater concern becomes infection instead of tissue rejection (known as graft-versus-host disease or GVHD) that predominates other types of transplantations.

Both Wendy and Brian are being tested to determine the possibility of their stem cells being a close enough match. This is a new much so, that it was not even in the conversation only three months ago. A drug is now available that makes donation from a child viable...subject to certain "match" parameters that will be calculated from the results of their blood tests. Also, Katy, Trudy's sister easily persuaded the transplant coordinator to retest her to double check her "match" possibility (siblings being the preferred donor source).

So, the Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant is still to take place...the timing and donor issues as yet remain unclear. We ask for prayers that the donor concern will be resolved, that the MDS will remain under control, that the Leukemia will stay away, and above all that we will simply but surely see God's hand and follow His lead...every day and every way.

By the way, other than dealing with a cold, Trudy is doing remarkably well. Prayers for her to be able to hold up physically and emotionally in what is an incredible challenge are so very appreciated.

Trudy and Robert