Saturday, March 6, 2010

Waiting for Transplant - Update March 6, 2010

Hello Friends and Family,

Plans for a Allogeneic (al-o-gen-a-ic) Stem Cell Transplant are coming together now. Trudy spoke with her transplantation doctor Friday afternoon and he presented his recommendation to her. He feels that the transplant will be best for her utilizing the stem cell material from the harvested umbilical cord of an infant. There is a good match and the cord is large enough to give the stem cells opportunity for a good start. Since other sources (including Wendy and Brian) were less perfect matches, this is the best of the which Trudy has consented.

We will know more specifics in the next few days as the process begins. The "okay" has been given and the doctor's orders have been submitted, so it is now up to the Stem Cell Case Coordinator to work out the timing and set the dates. We think it will be about two weeks before we embark down to Houston, Texas.

We are so thankful for the willingness of Katy, Carlos, Wendy, and Brian; to submit themselves eagerly and hopefully to be selected as donor. That means so very much and is so inspirational. So much so, that Robert, Wendy, and many other friends and family have submitted tissue samples to the "Be the Match" Bone Marrow National Registry in the hope that someday, someone will be as Trudy is, the recipient of this life-saving miracle. To have someone give that another may live is relatively simple but meaningful
thing that we sincerely recommend to you.

Please keep praying for the transplant process. There is still the prayer need that the stem cell material from the umbilical cord will be God's perfect match for Trudy and that the young stem cells will take hold and mature as quickly as possible. Then, that there will be minimal GVHD issues and little infection/virus problems. Pray to for Trudy...that she will face all of these challenges and come out of this with numerous years of great health.

Trudy and Robert