Friday, December 18, 2009

Update - Stem Cell Transplant Likely

Hello Friends and Family,

Trudy and I have some quite significant news to share with each of you. Even with the great milestone of completing the entire ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) treatment protocol, Trudy has been informed that there is another major treatment to come in the not too distant future. Thankfully, the ALL remains in complete remission. However, the abnormal chromosome issues that have been present in a total of three Bone Marrow Aspiration tests, have been confirmed to be a pre-form of Leukemia that develops as a complication of the rigorous chemo treatments that she has undergone. The condition is MDS., or Myleodysplastic Syndrome.

Back in August 2009, a Stem Cell Transplant specialist, Dr. Giralt, was added to her visits to M. D. Anderson Hospital . She was enrolled in the national registry of tissue donors to locate possible matches in the event that the transplant option became needed. Dr. Giralt and her Leukemia team have recently concluded that the Stem Cell transplant is a needed procedure to cure the MDS and to prevent a relapse of ALL. In this procedure, she will have healthy stem cell tissue transplanted from a donor. (by the way, potential donors have already been identified through the national registry.) To do this she will be admitted to the hospital. After the transplant, she will remain on inpatient status for about 30 days while the transplant takes effect and she receives meds to combat the expected reaction of her body to reject tissue from someone else. After discharge, she will still be closely monitored for a couple of months to make sure she is fully acclimated to the new bone marrow tissue and as her system is treated to develop needed immunity from what are typically "childhood" diseases. After this three month period, her strength, hair, and sense of well-being will be fully in the process of normalizing.

Here is what we know:

1. Trudy is feeling quite well...better than any time since the original diagnosis of February 23, 2007. She has good energy and is teaching up a storm.

2. We are celebrating Christmas and family and doing all activities as we always restrictions and no medications.

3. Her next consultation with the Leukemia team at M. D. Anderson Hospital will be in February.

4. In the meantime, she will maintain one treatment protocol...regular labs at the local Oncology make sure there are no undetected surprises.

5. The process will be difficult, God will be her constant source of help and strength, and with His grace she will come through this with many years of good health.

Here is what we Expect:

1. The procedure will likely be in the Spring, at M. D. Anderson Hospital .

2. Trudy will take the last part of the school year as extended sick leave as there is a lengthy combination of hospital and home recovery time. In fact, she will be checking into retirement options to see what is best for her for the days beyond the recovery period.

Once again, we thank you for the prayer support. We appreciate, need, and feel each and every one. We will continue to post updates here on Trudy's Blog
and hope you will feel free to check it often.

Trudy and Robert