Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Real or Photo Shop?

Hello Friends and Family,

Yessireebob, there's Trudy and Robert motoring along in a sweet 1954 Corvette!* We had a grand time on our Christmas trip up to Louisville, Kentucky, to see Brian, Jess, Meredith, and Brodie.

We had a great trip up in our Toyota Highlander. Spent several wonderful days enjoying our kiddo's and experiencing the joy of spoiling our granddaughter. Whew, they live a busy life and a productive life as well. Jessica is a surgical nurse, a truly health-giving profession. Brian sells cells for his part, and he works soooo hard in preparing for Christian ministry as a Master of Divinity student at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Meredith is growing super fast and is a beautiful and happy and loved two-year old.

Here is the latest on Trudy's health. She is doing very well, although on the way home she developed a real beaut of a sore throat and cough. She saw her doctor upon our return home and was relieved to know that it was NOT Strep Throat. She is responding very quickly to the prescriptions and is already back in the classroom. As for the MDS (Meylodysplastic Syndrome), she is not letting that issue get her down. Oh, she is not looking forward to the Stem Cell Transplant, of course, but as with the Leukemia, she is a remarkable person of faith. She accepts that the procedure is needed and the results will allow her to have the neat grandma moments that she loves so much. She will go to M. D. Anderson Hospital in February, for tests and consultations to determine the prescribed time frame for the procedure and recovery period.

In the meantime, she has made the decision to bring her teaching career to a close on February 11, 2010. She will retire with nearly 24 years of service as a teacher of Chemistry and Physics (and some Math). While she will miss the classroom, she will find the opportunities to expand the joys of grand-parenting, tatting, gardening, and ministry partner quite rewarding.

We shall keep you posted...come back anytime to this blog for updates and prayer needs. And, thanks again for the prayer support! These last three years, you have been such an encouragement and blessing to Trudy. In the coming months, we will again seek your wonderfully diligent prayers. The procedure and recovery will be testing and exhausting...and Trudy will need every fiber of faith to battle this giant. With the help of the Lord, the prayers, love, and support of friends and family, of which we are so grateful, she approaches this with confident faith that overcomes the fears and dangers.

Trudy and Robert

*The picture was taken with a "backdrop" and special effects at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on Robert's birthday, January 3, 2010, on a brief stop while traveling home from Louisville.