Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gopher Number ... Oh, Who's Counting. Blessing Number...Wow!

Hello Friends and Family,

Thanks for checking in and especially for the prayers. Here is the latest "gopher" that she is enduring.

Last week, when Trudy went to the Doctor's office to get started on month 25 of the Maintenance Protocol, she showed Kelly, Dr. Wold's P.A., a small patch of rash. Kelly immediately diagnosed the rash as "Shingles." Trudy was started on anti-viral medication and basically told to prepare for a few weeks of misery. These shingles are across her abdomen and around to the middle of her back on the right side. She has had some periods of excruciating pain and discomfort. Friends who have previously had shingles have been very encouraging..."this too shall pass." At this time, she is starting to see some improvement in the rash and the pain waves seem to be a little shorter in duration. So, me thinks the malady is on the mend.

We are mightily thankful that even though this is likely brought on by the times her immune system has been depressed from the cancer treatments...shingles is a virus, not a cancerous issue! Anyway, thanks for reading and praying. We ask God everyday, every way, that the Cancer and all of its forms continue to stay away, that Trudy will soon be well from the shingles, and that by God's power, she will continue to gain in strength and wellness.

Trudy and Robert