Thursday, May 28, 2009

School's Out Summer's Here!

Hello Friends and Family,
As you can see, Trudy is enjoying being a part of a special event in our lives...the baptism of grandson, Daniel Jones. What a blessed event, as Daniel's dad (Pastor Kirk) performed the baptism while many family members and a near packed church observed. Thank you Lord!

Another really nifty piece of news that we can share in this post is that the Bone Marrow Biopsy and deep cytogenic cell studies have yielded excellent news. Once again, there is no "morphological evidence of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia." Yes, that sound you hear is a big we sort of hold our breath each time we do these we affirm again that the Leukemia is staying away. The next exhale that you hear is that the deeper tests reveal that the Chromosome issues that have shown up in the last two BMA's, are not evident in this BMA. This will remain under close watch in future testing, but this is encouraging news of the best kind. Thank you Lord!

Thank you for your concern and prayers. We know that Trudy will continue the treatments, that the doctors will continue to see her and test her often, and that living with cancer is a onerous burden. Beyond that, we know that God is good and that in His care is the best place to be. We continue to pray that the Leukemia and all other cancer issues will stay away.

Trudy and Robert