Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Back from Houston

Hello Family and Friends,

We have accomplished another trip to Houston's M. D. Anderson Cancer Hospital. You know, we are so grateful for this fine hospital and the life-saving work they do...still, there are times when ... well, you know.

This visit went so very well and we are so very thankful for Trudy's excellent Leukemia team. We arrived in Houston, on Sunday evening in time for a delicious Mother's Day meal at Olive Garden Restaurant near the Medical Center. Afterward, we easily found our accommodations, first time we have stayed at this motel, the Crown Plaza Houston. They have a generous Medical Rate for patients of any of the medical center hospitals. Also, they provide as part of the medical rate, a complimentary breakfast for two. This is not continental breakfast either, it is a full buffet with custom order Omelets. Yummy!

At the hospital, Trudy's labs and bone marrow procedure went smoothly and relatively pain free...always a big relief for our brave patient (and me too). After the bone marrow, a long walk is recommended to help the soreness. We went to our favorite garden area, which is partially in view in the picture that is posted with this note. After a 30 minute walk amongst this beauty of natures indescribable colors, we went indoors for a light lunch at a salad and sandwich deli in the Rotary House. Then, it was back to the clinic for a visit with the team...Lee, the clinical nurse, Katie, the Physician's Assistant, and of course, our beloved Dr. Koller. All three remarked on Trudy's healthy appearance and obvious good feelings. The lab results were excellent with all her counts looking quite solid. The bone marrow results will come in two stages, we should know the first stage by Friday, and the deeper test results will take about three weeks.

In the meantime, there are no changes in her regimen and basically no restrictions on her activities. So, we are planning some Summer travels...any ideas? We do know that we will be in Louisville, to see Brian, Jessica, Meredith, and Brody; but not sure about other possibilities.

We continue to ask that you keep Trudy in your prayers that the Leukemia will stay away and that all related cancer issues will not become a factor. As always, we appreciate each prayer and each encouraging expression beyond what we can put into words.

Trudy and Robert