Saturday, February 23, 2008

One Year Ago . . .

As we reach the anniversary of my diagnosis of leukemia today, Robert & I want to praise and thank God for a year of his presence and healing. Throughout this year He has been with us and provided all our needs. Not the least of these needs has been your prayers and support and we want to thank you so much for that. During those first hardest months, I was amazed at the wonderful words of encouragement and scripture that came through you. Those scriptures, along with others the Lord has shown me, have been copied to two typed pages that I keep in my Bible and look at almost daily. So those early words of encouragement continue to bless me. Thank you for sharing your love for me in this very special way. We will continue to thank God for life and pray that He will be glorified through all. Luke 1:37-38 is special to me: For nothing will be impossible with God…I am the Lord’s slave…May it be done to me according to your word.
