Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Greetings Friends and Family,

Thanks for checking in here at Trudy's blog. Trudy and Robert wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. And, may God richly bless you!

We have so much for which to be thankful. Trudy has endured so much this year and we know that the Lord has surely been with her every step of the way. For His help and guidance we are grateful. When she was diagnosed back on February 23rd, we were shocked, confused, and baffled. When we traveled down to Houston, Texas to M.D. Anderson Hospital, all attempts to resolve insurance and admittance issues were stopped at every turn. Yet, in all this, God was at work . . . and at just the right moment, everything was suddenly in place for her immediate treatment. She has received the best of professional medical care as life-threatening complications came in ominous waves. She found that at each precipice that she faced, the Lord had placed someone in her path to provide an audible prayer, encouraging words, or experienced advice that would help her take the right step of faith . . . just in time.

She has been hospitalized four times for intensive chemo treatments, four times for emergency treatments of severe infections, and outpatient treatments too numerous to keep count. The insurance which at first balked at her requests has been amazingly strong and people have generously helped . . . to the extent that we did not have to do all the extreme things to which we had resigned ourselves (cash-in retirement plans, second mortgage on the house, or sell every possession of any value).

As significant as all these items of thanksgiving have come to mean to us, the greatest blessing of all continues to be the breath-taking reality, that since April, her four Bone Marrow Biopsy's have shown no detectable Leukemia cells in Trudy's body. There is still a long way to go, but we are beyond thankful for His help and healing.

Have a great thanksgiving . . . I suppose the Daniel/Benoit household will have a new perspective on our thanksgiving family gathering in 2007 . . . we know you will too.

Please continue to pray that Trudy will feel well, she will yet find the right balance in all the Maintenance Chemo drugs, and that the Leukemia will stay away.

With Thanksgiving,
Trudy and Robert