Wednesday, September 12, 2007

On Target Once Again

Trudy went in today for labs, and all levels were solidly above the minimums to resume her maintenance therapy. Dr. Wold communicated through his nurse for Trudy to take her usual Wednesday medications. Trudy feels very well and has not only resumed the medications, she has also resumed her usual activities . . . including cooking. Right now, the aroma of her Corn Chowder w/Shrimp is beckoning me to conclude this blog entry and get to the kitchen!

Thanks for all the prayers and loving concern. We hope and pray that you know how much all of you mean to Trudy as she continues with the therapy. She is doing great, but I can tell you . . . Leukemia is no walk in the park . . . your prayers and encouragement have been and are so effective.

Trudy and Robert