Sunday, September 16, 2007

Good Sunday Morning To All:

We pray that you and yours have a great Lord's Day. Trudy has been back on the oral chemo since Wednesday . . . without any noticeable side effects! We are mighty thankful for that good thing. Today, she is getting ready to head out to Bethel Baptist Church for some Bible study and worship services.
Today's trivia, in honor of our frequent (and very welcome) contributor, Pam, is "Mayflower Day." The Mayflower left Plymouth, England, on September 6, 1620, with 102 passengers. One lad of six became ill and died, and one child was born during the voyage. If you've ever seen one of the replica ships of that era, you probably are like me . . . you wouldn't want to get on a good size lake in such a vessel. Yet, we are grateful that those Pilgrims bravely made the voyage.

Trudy continues to face these challenging days with faith, hope, and love. Please continue your prayers on her behalf . . . that she will keep feeling well, that the Leukemia will stay away, and that all the treatments will settle into a good balance of keeping her health good and strong.

Trudy and Robert