Monday, September 10, 2007

Home From the Hospital

After three nights in the hospital, Trudy is home and all of her counts have returned to pre-infection levels. She feels good, a little tired from battling the feverish infection, but good all the same. As soon as we left the hospital parking garage, we made a bee-line for the Mexican food restaurant . . . finally, free from the hospital food!

Above is the latest Trudy Daniel Family Photo: Robert, Trudy, Marcia (my sister) Kirk, Daniel, Wendy, Kara, Melanie, Jessica (Meridith due in Nov), and Brian.

Trudy is going through a period in the Maintenance Therapy in which adjustments will have to be made until the right combination of chemo drugs are determined in order to avoid her counts going too low . . . all the while . . . maintaining enough Leukemia fighting levels of chemo. Without going into detail, this is a complex process that takes some time.

Thanks again for checking in here at Trudy's Blog. We will be updating more regularly from now on. Please keep Trudy in your prayers. She is praying that the Leukemia will stay away, the maintenance therapy will be balanced enough that she will feel well and that the chemo is kept at the most potent level for effectiveness.

Trudy and Robert