Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week Three of Maintenance Chemo

Hello Again,

Trudy is progressing on her maintenance therapy. She takes one form of oral chemo every day, and another form of oral chemo once a week. So far, her blood counts are showing a modest effect from the chemo, but nothing requiring transfusion or adjustments in doses. Her overall sense of "well-being" is very good and she can do just about anything she wants to do as long as there is not too much exertion. A mile on the treadmill? No problem! Take herself to church for a women's ministry meeting? Piece of cake! We are mighty thankful for these great blessings.

Another blessing is that she can be around folks and enjoy the company of friends, family, and well-wishers once again. Her infection-fighting cells are doing pretty well right now, and with some pretty basic precautions she is confident in being "sociable."

Prayer needs do remain, of course. The maintenance protocol is designed to be for 30 months. Her particular needs will be factored in by the physicians as she reaches certain points along the way and adjustments if needed will be enacted. The next evaluation point is in five weeks, when she will endure some tests and consult with her Leukemia team in Houston. Please pray that she will continue to tolerate the maintenance chemo in fine fashion. Also, that her bone marrow production of good cells will strengthen and that the bad cells will stay totally out.

Thanks again for your love, concern, and prayers,
Trudy and Robert