Monday, May 14, 2007

Praise and Prayer

Praise: We just returned from the outpatient clinic with extraordinary news: Trudy's counts are already recovering! Her white cells are already moving into normal range and her platelets, while still pretty low, are sufficient enough that a transfusion is not needed. This is the best recovery she has experienced and we are thankful and want to share her "Praise the Lord" news with you.

Prayer: She still is a bit queezy and weak from yesterday's bout of "Montezuma's Revenge." Please pray that her strength and appetite all return in good fashion.

You all know Trudy and you know that she is a determined and courageous person, but I can tell you that she has needed and drawn encouragement from your love, posts, concerns, and prayers. I am soooooo proud of her, soooooo thankful for each of you, and we can not thank God enough for miracle after miracle in Trudy's life.

Trudy and Robert

P.S.: Thanks Wendy and Brian for the notes of love. Hope all of you had a happy Mother's Day! We did get to see Trudy's mom (Effie Manuel Benoit) before the afternoon calamity and I also had the blessing of preaching a "Mother's Day" sermon on "Virtuous Woman Principles" from Proverbs 31, noting that of many virtuous women in my life; my mom, Hazel Shackelford Daniel, and Trudy have been the most influential for me. Thank you Lord, for my mom . . . for the mother of my children . . . and for Wendy and Jessica . . . mom and mom-to-be of our grandchildren.