Monday, May 7, 2007

No Monday Blues for Trooper Tru

Outpatient Treatment Procedure Number One was no problem for our trooper. Trudy handled the Lumbar Puncture and Chemo injection flawlessly today . . . Praise the Lord. Dr. Wold and the fine nurses at the procedure room did a terrific job; virtually painless, at a fine pace, and with welcome compassion. And, as always, your prayers, love, and concern were an important component in this day's great outcome.

Trudy's blood numbers from today's labs were also excellent. She has felt strong and well today with a minimal amount of tiredness and only a brief little nausea. Prayerfully, she should continue to have adequate strength going toward Thursday's outpatient "IV" chemo.

We have tried to make sure that each day we remember and take note of God's blessings. Today there were many and both Trudy and I are thankful. Thank you for your concerns, love, and prayers as she approaches the coming outpatient chemo and the "low" days that will follow until her blood counts recover.

Trudy and Robert