Monday, April 12, 2010


Hello Friends and Family,

Perhaps many of you know of Trudy's very scary day this Sunday...and have been very active in prayers. Others may not be up on these events. Here is my effort to encapsulate these trying moments.

The last 48 hours, Trudy was restless, anxious, and physically uncomfortable. She has not eaten or slept (a nigh time restful sleep) for several days. This morning, she was somewhat disoriented but generally seemed to be ready for a productive day. The doctor and team met with us at 8:30 a.m., and after reviewing issues and concerns...set an agenda for the day, designed to provide some good steps in the process for Trudy. However, the next couple of hours turned things topsy turvy.

Trudy began to have a deep rattle in her chest and throat. This led to some very painful and nauseating coughing fits. Then, she began to turn yellow. We knew that she had some liver problems, but now we were seeing it in her skin tone and we found that the disorientation was not "Chemo Brain" but a side effect of the impaired liver functioning. In the process of these discoveries, Trudy's room became filled with the diagnostic and treatment personnel and their equipment. In the midst of all this, Trudy was feeling so very bad, that we were frightened about where this was leading. The doctor for the Stem Cell floor was there and told me that the main problem was that Trudy had suddenly developed Pneumonia. With her immune system out from the chemo, he ordered that she be taken to the 7th floor ICU.

Trudy is now stabilized! After many platelet transfusions, antibiotics, various other meds, her vital signs again seem stable. She remains jaundiced and her blood pressure is quite high, but better. She remains in ICU until the Pneumonia is under full control and her overall outlook shows significant progress. Her condition is still very serious and we know that today's bullet was dodged with the intervention of the Lord. We also know that prayers are beautiful and wondrously effective.

Please pray that she will respond quickly to the treatment of the Pneumonia. We pray too, that our great God will watch over and empower her with His healing touch. Thanks so much for supporting Trudy with your timely prayers. We need each one.

Trudy and Robert