Friday, April 23, 2010


Hello Dear Friends and Family,

Tonight the blog celebrates Trudy's birthday (April 24). We were both born in 1951 and we were married in 1971, so our special days each year have a nice chronological sequence to them. This year it's 59, 59, and 39. Yeah, yeah, I know, you've already figured out next year...but that's okay with us. We have been blessed to see God's hand in every one of those years. And, we shall never forget His mighty hand in 2010!

Trudy had a good day. Her kidney and liver organs have continued to move toward normal levels. This is a "Big Time" praise note! Another good sign, even though her chest x-rays are not discernibly better, her functional area is considerably better. In fact, today she was weaned down to minimal sedation and the ventilator is set at lower level (meaning, she is doing more of the work in breathing and the machine is doing less). When she is awake as she is now, she can communicate through nods and slight hand a "thumbs up."
On the challenging side, when she is awake, she coughs more. While coughing helps in breaking up the Pneumonia congestion, it is pretty obvious that it is highly uncomfortable for her. Pray that she tolerates the discomfort of the throat tubing, the coughing, and the many things that can be so disconcerting; and that her vital signs will remain steady.

I will sign off tonight by saying to my wife, my girl-friend, by best friend, my "lover" in the best and purest possible sense: Happy Birthday Trudy! And many happy returns!

Trudy and Robert