Thursday, March 25, 2010

Waiting For Transplant_March 25

Hello Again,

Thanks for checking with Trudy's Blog today. This was a day filled once again with challenges and once again with divine appointments.

Trudy was challenged right off the bat with the appointment at the Infusion Therapy Clinic where her Central Venous Catheter was inserted. That's a nice way of saying she had an outpatient surgical procedure. The procedure was without incident and the CVC is working as it should...but, that simply does not do justice to the discomfort that attends such a procedure. Pain and anxiety meds were much needed parts of the procedure. The CVC is the way that the meds, blood transfusions, and...most importantly, the new stem cells...will be delivered to Trudy's circulatory system.

Next up was a visit to the Opthamologist. Dr. Kim and her team did a superb job of conducting Trudy's exam and clearly explaining the intricacies of her eye care during the time she will be particularly vulnerable to infections that can make their way through the sensitive eye areas.

Then came the divine appointment. Robert "happened" to think about Trudy's wise and familiar cancer professional, Dr. Koller. An email was sent from Robert's Blackberry phone...and immediately, Dr. Koller (whom Trudy has not had an appointment during the last two weeks of transplant preparations) responded that he would love to see her and would come to her if need be, no appointment needed. Well, we had just finished lunch and had a couple of hours before the next appointment so we arranged to meet him at his clinic. We were ushered in to see him and he was genuinely glad to see Trudy. Professionally, he assured her that she was on the best track for her health...but more importantly, his settled and trusted wisdom seemed to put everything into just the right perspective. Later, he emailed Robert with the message: "Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for Trudy." Wow! That just was the best dose of medicine for both Trudy and Robert at that precise moment. We were touched by the God-sent generous and compassionate gesture of this prominent cancer physician.

Lastly, we had a visit to the dentist. I know, I know; nobody likes to go to the dentist. But Dr. Toth (no kidding) is simply wonderful. He examined Trudy to make sure there were no apparent issues that could cause her some difficulty during the time of her zero immunity stage...and pronounced that she was in the top 1% regarding dental health. He was so encouraging and gave us some great information to guideTrudy through the challenges ahead that will not only help dentally, but with other issues as well.

Thankfully, after a visit to the MDA pharmacy, we were able to walk right out and catch our shuttle back to the apartment. Trudy is pretty sore around the CVC site, but feeling quite divinely empowered for her particular journey. As we looked about at MDA today, we were thankful to be here. We were touched by the spirit of people all around us who simply won't give in to cancer...patients, care-givers, medical professionals, or volunteers. As Trudy has said, "Let's do this!"

Thanks for praying. Trudy has a quiet dignity and a confident faith in dealing with this...but you know and we know that her faith rides upon the wings of much prayer. We cherish each prayer, every single prayer. Thank you. In fact, yesterday's blog was among other things, a request for prayer for her cough. May I report that the cough is stunningly better today. Thank you Lord! And each of you as well. Saturday she will be admitted to floor G-11. May God grant her a special confidence as we head over to the hospital that day. Amen.

Trudy and Robert