Wednesday, April 15, 2009 that's a spin on things

Hello Friends and Family,

Just wanted to request your prayers for Trudy for a special need that she is experiencing. For the past several days, she has had some significant Vertigo (inner ear dizziness). She will undergo treatment for that condition today and tomorrow. If all goes according to plan, that will completely take care of the condition.

Trudy has enjoyed taking care of Melanie and Kara the last few days and has not let the vertigo get in the way of Easter Egg hunting, hide-and-go-seek, diaper changes, and other fun stuff, too much to mention. We have a blast with them.

Wendy will come and help out while Robert takes Trudy to the doctor's office for the in office procedure. After that, she will need to keep her head very still for 24 hours. In some cases an additional "adjustment" may be needed...but prayerfully not for Trudy. At any rate she is expected to be fully healed from the vertigo by this weekend.

Trudy's counts have been good and she sailed through the dreaded Prednisone week with fewer than usual side effects. We pray that the vertigo will go, and that the Leukemia will stay away, and that all related issues will leave her alone. Thank you, Lord.

Trudy and Robert