Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Update from Trudy

Hello Friends and Family,

How about those beauties? Three generations of head-turning, lovely ladies. Alicia (on right) will soon wed Grady for another amazing day in the life of the Benoit family.

Well, here is the long-awaited update on the Chromosome tests for which we have now have the results. Please forgive me for not posting sooner, but this information was complex and just took us awhile to digest. The last two Bone Marrow tests have shown some persistent chromosome abnormality. This is the reason that Trudy's counts of White and Red blood cells and platelets have continued to be somewhat suppressed and inconsistent even though she has been off the chemo's that would affect those numbers for five months. The number of abnormal chromosomes is very small and the doctors are going to continue to monitor, as this abnormality could be a sign that a new condition might begin to develop. This is not a relapse of the Leukemia, but were it to develop full-fledge, it would be equally troublesome and dangerous.

Trudy is feeling well, looking great, and her counts are quite strong. She is working full-time and teaching up a storm. As she told her doctor, "I'm feeling well and blessed." Praise the Lord.

Please keep Trudy in your prayers, that the Leukemia would stay away, that the chromosome abnormalities would evaporate and that she would experience no further complications in her health. Thanks a million!

Trudy and Robert