Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008!

Greetings from Trudy and Robert,

"Thank you Lord for the great Christmas! When we think of all the things You have done in our lives, we are awe-struck with gratitude."

Christmas is a very special time here in the Daniel household. Trudy has decorated the house so very beautifully. The floor around the Christmas Tree is crowded with many lovely wrapped gifts and her collection of Manger scenes aptly reveal her heartfelt appreciation for the greatest gift ever.

Giving gifts has a greater meaning than ever before for Trudy. I suppose one cannot be the recipient of so many gifts from so many people without being touched with a greater appreciation for the expression of love that accompanies such giving. In a post of several months ago, Trudy's enjoyment of the craft of delicate lace tatting was highlighted. She "tats" dozens of lovely lace Christmas Tree ornaments for family and special people (like the nurses and volunteers that she sees each week at the Chemo Outpatient Clinic) that are such a blessing to her. For over ten years now, she has given these ornaments so that it has become her very own special Christmas tradition.

We may not be able to give each of you an actual gift, but in our hearts we do wish to give each of you the same kind of love and care that is symbolic in Trudy's hand-crafted tatting. Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you.

Trudy and Robert