Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jesus Loves Me, this I Know...

Hello Friends and Family,

Trudy's grandchildren love to come to Pop's and Grandma's church. Here's Daniel Jones (couple weeks before his 7th birthday) singing special music in the evening worship service. He did a superb job (if'n I don't say so myself).

Trudy is doing well and working hard but there are the inevitable gophers that pop up (just like the "Chucky Cheese" arcade game). This week, it is low counts. Her White cells were low enough to require one of those pesky and painful Neupogen shots. Her Red cells are low enough for her to feel extreme tiredness all the time. Platelets continue to be quite low as well.

Thankfully, Mrs. Daniel's class has a new piece of technology ... a laptop computer that, while seated, she can write on the computer screen and project onto a TV Monitor in exactly the same fashion as writing on the board...only no messy erasers!

Thanks for the prayers...may her counts rise.

Also, please pray for Robert's cousin, Jeffery Mikeska. Jeffrey is in surgery today at M.D.Anderson. It is a very difficult surgery to deal with some cancer on his jaw. By the way, Jeffrey graduated this past week from U. of Texas, with Bachelors degrees and plans to do Master's work as soon as he recovers a bit from this surgery.

Trudy and Robert