Monday, November 3, 2008

Some Weekend!

Hi Everyone,

Remember the gopher game at Chucky Cheese? The gopher pops up in one hole and you try to smack him and about the time your club hits one gopher another one pops up out of a different hole. This goes on for a while and you get a few redeemable tickets if you clobber enough gophers...but there always seems to be more gophers.

Somehow that seems to be the analogy that comes to mind today...a good day for Trudy by the she continues to bop this cancer stuff right on the head every time something pops up. Thankfully, she keeps on going and I think she is racking up the bonus tickets at every turn.

Saturday, Trudy woke me at 4:15 a.m., with 101.2 fever. Our instructions are to report to the E.R. whenever her temp reaches 100.5. Well, even though we didn't think this was anything more than a cold type virus, she was feeling pretty bad and we headed to the E.R.. Sure enough, after lots of tests the fever was determined to be nothing serious. However, they did the CBC labs and found that her platelets were pretty low and coupled with the fever it was determined that she should have a platelet transfusion. She was admitted and after a 24 hour wait, she received the platelets and was released with an Rx for an now feeling back to herself. So, while things were pretty hectic for some hours, Trudy is feeling well and back to her regular schedule.

After teaching school today and an event at church tonight, we are heading out to South Carolina bright and early Tuesday. We will be enjoying some time with my brother, Jack (fellow cancer fighter), and Karen at their time share, for a few days. On Friday, we will head up to Louisville, to spend some time with granddaughter Meredith and her parents, Brian and Jessica. Tis' a lot of motoring, but driving suites us better than flying these days and we will stop or alter plans whenever we want or need.

Thanks so much for checking-in and for praying. Trudy is indeed getting stronger and handling the school regiment better every week (note to Pam: she still gives too much homework, please keep encouraging her in that). We are praying that the platelets will soon gain some upward momentum, that she will continue to improve in strength and stamina, that she will have even fewer side effects, and that the Leukemia or any related diseases will stay away.

Trudy and Robert