Tuesday, October 7, 2008

News on Platelets

Hello Friends and Family,

We have some encouraging news from Trudy's M. D. Anderson Leukemia Team. Dr. Koller related through his P.A., that the likely culprit for the low Platelets is an antibiotic that Trudy has been on as part of the Maintenance Protocol for the last 15+ months. Trudy is now "off" of that medication. She will undergo another lab on Wednesday afternoon, and as usual, weekly labs as her levels are continually monitored. As of now, she continues a chemo "holiday" until the rascally Platelets recover to sufficient levels.

We appreciate the prayers for Trudy. As you might imagine, fighting cancer is fraught with physical and emotional "ups" and "downs." We are so very thankful for the recovery of her strength that has allowed her to resume her teaching profession...tiring and exasperating though it may sometimes be, it is good medicine.

Trudy's mom, Effie Benoit, is getting back to her regular activities. She is at home, going to water aerobics, church, and most anything she wants to do. She, too, has lots of follow-up doctor appointments, but is doing wonderfully.

Our prayers continue to be pressed upward to our Lord, that Trudy will have good lab reports (especially her Platelets), that she will continue to regain strength, that she will have good health, and that the Leukemia will stay away.

Trudy and Robert