Monday, August 4, 2008

Prayer Updates 4

Tuning in to Teaching,

First, we are so very thankful to report that Trudy's mom has responded well to her open heart surgery and is progressing excellently in her recovery stage! The cardiologist came by Sunday while Trudy, Robert, Brian, Jessica, and Meredith were visiting and after his examination he reported that her repaired valve was NOT LEAKING! Thank you, Lord!

Trudy is at Tioga High School today, steadily checking-off her once long list of things to do prior to the teachers official first day of school this Wednesday. Students know (or soon will know) that Mrs. Daniel maintains high expectations for excellence in usage of class time, decorum, and safety. There is a place for everything and everything is to be returned to its place. Also, this year her husband has been granted input into one of her safety requirements...that each student stop at the newly installed hand sanitizer unit as they enter her classroom for an application of anti-bacterial gel.

Another praise note...for the first time since she began the Maintenance Protocol, Trudy was blessed to sail through those rascally Prednisone days without any troublesome aches and puffiness. Wow...PTL!

Trudy and Robert are simultaneously joyful and melancholy to bid Bon Voyage to Brian, Jessica, Meredith, and Brody as they embark on a grand journey for the next four years. Brian is following the call of the Lord in his life as he pursues formal theological training in the Master of Divinity program at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. They have a contract on their house in Prairieville, La., and anticipate moving day to be Wednesday, Aug. 13. Jessica has secured a nursing position at a Louisville hospital and they have housing already arraigned. We are supremely confident in this extraordinary young family and bid them God speed in fulfilling His will in their lives(...and are wondering if God's will might now include a high MPG car for Meredith's anxious grandparents!).

Thanks again for your prayer support. We love each of you and are constantly humbled by your prayerful concern and God's mighty hand upon Trudy's life. We ask Him for Trudy's continued progress in the return of her strength, that the Leukemia will stay away, and that her mother's rehab needs will be handled in smooth fashion.

Trudy and Robert