Saturday, April 5, 2008

Appreciate the Prayers

Hello Friends and Family,

Just wanted to let you know that your prayers are so very appreciated and needed. Trudy is doing so well and we are so thankful to God. She still deals with some pretty tough issues though.

Since "sailing" through the week of cruising, Trudy has experienced some low blood counts and weakness. She has had Neupogen shots daily which is no fun from a discomfort standpoint but ... needed to support her White Blood Cells (resistance to bugs and viruses). Thankfully, Trudy has not been sick. She met with Dr. Wold on Thursday and he feels that she will start her next cycle of Maintenance Chemo on Monday. We continue to experience the hope and encouragement of God's promises. =>

Please pray that her Bone Marrow will get back to the levels of blood cell and platelet production needed to get past this anemia and low resistance. Thanks so much.

Trudy and Robert

P.S.: click on the slide pictures for enlarged views.