Monday, October 8, 2007

Take time to smell the roses

As we were backing out of the carport one morning, heading to another, inevitable lab test, I noticed that Trudy had teared-up a bit. She asked me if I'd noticed the rose bush just behind us, by the corner of the chain link fence . . . I turned and looked and there were two beautiful, full-bloom roses. It was the rose bush she had gotten from her Dad, Arthur Benoit. She said through her tears, "It's as though Daddy is telling me to 'keep going, don't quit.'" God had used a rose bush at that moment, He has used "guest book" entries on this blog, words from strangers, compassionate medical professionals, and in other ways, too many to list; to lift and encourage both Trudy and me. We are grateful to God.

On Wednesday Trudy took a trip with Katy and her mom to visit her 90-year old Aunt Laura Mae Benoit. The short trip to Jennings was surely a blessing to all as several other relatives dropped in while they were there. Happy Birthday, Aunt Laura Mae!

This weekend, we were extremely blessed. Friday evening we spent a wonderful, laughter-filled, conversation, and meal time with Brian and Jessica. Then later, we went to Wendy and Kirk's for some more super times with them and the grandchildren. Saturday, it was party time. Melanie's third birthday was a "Cinderella" party. Their house transformed into a "Castle" and ten additional princesses came to celebrate with our Cinderella-Melanie. What fun!

Sunday, our church family "showered" us with love and gifts for Pastor and Wife Appreciation Day. Trudy was given a beautiful fall center piece decoration and an all-expense paid weekend to the Ministers Wives Retreat at the Tall Timbers Conference Center (where she will share a room with Wendy) for a great time of inspiration and replenishing of soul and spirit. We were treated to lunch and there have been many other loving cards and gestures from our wonderful church.

No doubt about it . . . God has and is blessing! He keeps giving His strength in rich supply . . . and He gives the gift of people . . . like you . . . to provide that timely touch that causes the blues to evaporate so that we are exposed once again to all the blessings He has already put in place . . . like a rose bush . . . long ago planted . . . now a reminder and source of strength and courage for the day.

Trudy and Robert