Monday, October 29, 2007

Good Labs and Doctor Visit

Hello friends,

Trudy went for labs and a visit with Dr. Wold today. Her RBCs and Platelets continue to hold up very well through the Maintenance Chemo. As is expected, her WBCs need some support with Neupogen on a regular basis . . . and they do respond well to the Neupogen. We are very thankful for her great results in these first 3+ months of Maintenance . . . and so is Dr. Wold. He was pleased to hear of her vacation plans to South Carolina, in December, and gave her the "green light."

Last week, Trudy handled the mega-Prednisone doses very well. The hardest part for her is the Saturday and Sunday after the last (Friday) dose. She aches all over and feels pretty emotional. The medicine she takes for the pain causes drowsiness and some weakness. However, by Monday she feels much better. Tonight, she will be ready to go to El Chico and even do some regular grocery shopping.

We humbly ask for your continued prayers for Trudy. There are some days that are pretty hard on her and she wages a constant vigil of watching her counts, being oh so careful around people, and simply not being able to do some things that most of us take for granted. Pray that she will continue to do well during the two-and-a-half year maintenance protocol . . . and that the Leukemia will stay away.

Trudy and Robert