Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Praise Notes and Prayer Requests

Yes, Wendy is Right . . . No Leukemia blasts found in her Bone Marrow test last Friday!

As Dr. Koller said to her at Monday's appointment: "This is good, and good . . . is, well . . . good." So we rejoice in this great result. He intrepreted these tests as evidence that the Leukemia remains in remission, but that her bone marrow is so empty right now, that it can not yet produce the "good" cells that are needed. Therefore, Trudy will not receive chemo until her bone marrow is fully back . . . which he suggests should be a couple of weeks. In the mean time, she will get regular labs and when platelets are needed, they will be given by transfusion, and if white blood cells are needed, she will receive a stimulate by injection.

More encouraging news, the last couple of days, Trudy has had a fairly good appetite and has even put on a couple of needed pounds. Her energy level slooped very low over the last few days, but I believe I can see a little improvement in that as well.

Prayer requests: Leukemia, stay out! Good cells, come on back! Pray that Trudy will begin to produce platelets and all other important bone marrow cells on her own. That her appetite/digestive system will continue to normalize, her energy will return, and that her strength will grow. Pray that these two weeks of Zero Chemo will be refreshing in body, soul, and spirit. Pray that after the two weeks that she will be fully back on course.

Thanking God for answered prayers, and for each of you,
Trudy and Robert