Thursday, June 21, 2007


Hello friends and family,

Trudy has been called back to Houston in light of some suspicious levels in her blood-work over the last several days. After her platelets had begun to ever so slightly recover through last Friday, they have mysteriously begun to fall this week. After the labs on Wednesday, our Oncologist here, Dr. Wold consulted with Trudy's Leukemia Team physicians at M D Anderson. They all agreed that this atypical situation demands immediate attention and a Bone Marrow Biopsy to determine exactly what is going on with her blood.

We will be departing shortly for Houston. Trudy will undergo the BMB, Friday morning. The full results will not be available until Monday, when she will see her attending physician, Dr. Koller. Trudy is pretty much weakened from all that she has gone through, so we will stay in Houston through the weekend and of course for whatever treatments will be recommended.

We are praying that her counts will recover on their own and that the BMB will confirm that she is still on track. We ask for your prayers in this . . . and that she will begin to feel better and to be able to take on the nourishment that she needs. We will try to get updates to you as we find out the results or anytime your prayer support is needed.

Trudy and Robert