Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesay Good Morning

Today, Trudy will be receiving chemo as an outpatient. This will be her final infusion of Ritiuximab. She has started and finished each course up to now with this drug. But, thankfully, the remaining four courses will not include this chemo. Also, she no longer has to have the Lumbar Punctures for the remainder of the treatments. Thank you Lord, for those blessings.

Trudy has felt pretty "puny" since last Wednesday with daily bouts with stomach problems. However, she is off to a great start . . . no probs since yesterday afternoon. Her labs showed that she had not yet lost her blood-cell counts. Probably, tonight and tomorrow through thursday will be the low times, followed by the recovery of her counts afterwards. We continue to pray that there will be no infections and that she will feel well as she progresses.

Brian came for Memorial Day to spend some great time with Mom. Thanks, son, that was more "gooder" medicine than you know. He and Jessica are working hard, getting ready for the baby's November arrival, and seeking the Lord's will in decisions that are before them. We are mighty proud of them and for them.

Blessings to each of you,
Trudy and Robert