Saturday, May 26, 2007

Back Home

We just got home at 10:50PM, Friday. Trudy had a rough day at the hospital. I can tell you that her nurse worked hard today and we appreciate her compassion and diligence. We left M. D. Anderson at 6:00 PM and with Trudy fully medicated we decided that there would be no better time for her to endure a five hour trip. Sure enough, she had no issues, we felt the lift of angels, and with the Grace of God, she is asleep in her own bed!

I suppose that chemo is doing what it does . . . but the side effects sure jumped up and gave Trudy a fit this course. Thankfully, though, she is now past the half-way point in this rigorous treatment to fully rid her of Leukemia . . . and she is at home . . . good medicine indeed.

Please pray that she will recover from the side effects and the plummeting blood levels with no further sickness and no INFECTIONS. Oh, and she always comments upon reading the blog entries . . . "I just can't believe all these notes and prayers. This is such a blessing!" You will never know how much your kindness, love, and prayers has meant to Trudy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Trudy and Robert