Thursday, May 24, 2007

Good Thursday to You

Here is today's update: Trudy continues to receive and tolerate the chemo quite well. She is pretty groggy a majority of the time, but is able to get out of the room for a walk at least once a day.

We still anticipate a Friday return to our home at this point. There is a possibility that she will need to consult with another doctor here as an outpatient. She continues to have stomach discomfort and is discussing a time to see a specialist that is here at MDA. Possibly that could affect the timetable for our return home . . . we will keep you posted.

We thank you so much for your support and your prayers. Trudy's concerns are that she can get relief from the stomach discomfort, that the chemo continues to go smoothly, that our return home is safe and trouble-free, and that once at home, she will not have any infections during the time her blood counts are plummeting.

Thanks a zillion for your love, concern, and prayers
Trudy and Robert