Friday, May 14, 2010

Eternally Yours

Hello Dear Friends and Family,

On behalf of Trudy's family, we wanted to post as the final entry to Trudy' Blog, our expression of thanks to everyone who viewed this blog over the past three years. Each of you have left an imprint of love and compassion that touched Trudy deeply. Thanks a million!

I can tell you, that in everything that Trudy had to endure over the years of treatments and in the final days of Intensive Care, her faith remained steadfast in the Lord. One enduring trait of Trudy's was her propensity to relate every happening to a song or a hymn. If no known song or hymn came to mind she would compose the lyrics and find within her heart a suitable melody to fit any of life's experiences. We think that the last melody was a hymn that she was barely heard to be singing while wearing a full-face breath mask. It was:

Alive alive alive forevermore
My Jesus is alive
Alive forevermore
Alive alive alive forevermore
My Jesus is alive

Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
My Jesus is alive forevermore
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
My Jesus is alive

As a reader, you helped contribute to more the than 37,000 hits on the blog. Over one thousand encouraging messages were entered in the guestbook. Each and every visit meant so much to Trudy. Each and every prayer was appreciated, felt, and needed. No words exist that can express our thanks...but from the depths of our hearts...Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Trudy Ann Benoit Daniel is experiencing precisely the reality she sang of, she is "Alive Forevermore."

Eternally Yours,
Wendy and Kirk; Brian and Jessica,
Mother, Effie, brother, Carlos, sister, Katy;
and our big, wonderful extended family

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Funeral Arrangements for Trudy

Hello Family and Friends,

On behalf of Trudy's family and friends, we want to post the arrangements for the funeral, that is, the Celebration of Trudy's life. Please come if you can, we would be so honored to see you and to share with you in this time.

Trudy Ann Benoit Daniel - April 24, 1951 to April 29,2010

Funeral services will be Monday, May 3, 2010, at 4:00 p.m.

Alpine First Baptist Church
7215 Shreveport Hwy
Pineville, LA 71360

The family will receive friends from 5-9 p.m., on Sunday, May 2 and from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Monday at Alpine First Baptist Church.

Officiating ministers will be the Reverends Charles Hutzler, Pastor of Bethel Baptist; Paul Daniel, Pastor of FBC Kimgman (brother-in-law), and Kirk Jones, Pastor of Fellowship Church (son-in-law).

Again, thanks for the multitude of prayers and compassionate words.

Robert, Wendy, Brian, and families

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trudy Ann Benoit Daniel: 04/24/1951 -04/29/2010

Dear Family and Friends,

Trudy passed away this Thursday, April 29, 2010, at about 3:40 in the afternoon. I and my family are so appreciative for your unbelievable support over the course of this three-year battle against cancer.

Trudy's lungs were so greatly infected with Pneumonia, that without her immune system ever gaining needed strength, she was unable to stop the progression. She died at M. D. Anderson Hospital in Room 16 of the 7th Floor ICU. Her husband, Robert; daughter, Wendy (and husband Kirk); son, Brian; and sister, Katy; were with her in those final hours, encircling her with love and affirmation.

Our daughter started this blog shortly after the initial diagnosis on February 23, 2007. Since the opening of the blog, some 35,000 visits later, we have never once taken for granted this extraordinary means of communication...and prayer. I'm sure there were many visitors to the blog who's identity we will never know. Many others have encouraged us by making entries to the guestbook. Every visit has been important to Trudy and to me. From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of Trudy; thank you, thank you, thank you!

Arrangements have not been made as of this post. As the date, place, and time is confirmed, we will post it here.

Robert, Wendy, and Brian

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hello Friends and Family,

We thank you for once again checking-in at Trudy's Blog. The last 48 hours have been a roller coaster.

Yesterday, the doctors felt that there was so much decline in the functioning of Trudy's lungs that she was at a point of imminent risk. While there is no doubt that her condition is gravely serious, their prognosis is now on hold. We met with Dr. de Lima this morning and he feels that Trudy has a little more time...time for the lung decline to be reversed...time for her bone marrow to produce White Blood Cells. We know that timing is critical and that the lung reversal must happen shortly.

As today unfolded, we did see some encouraging signs in Trudy. The oxygen level in her blood increased, her kidney function once again improved, and her blood pressure was well controlled. While conclusive evidence eludes us at this moment, higher than usual WBC's were present in her afternoon labs. We are praying for a reversal of the decline in her lungs and for her bone marrow to begin producing WBC's...there is early signs that this miracle is a prayer possibility. Thus, we intensify our prayers to touch God's great heart.

God bless you, each person, each prayer. May the Peace of God be with us and especially with Trudy.

Trudy and Robert, and our dynamite family

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Dear Family and Friends,

Wendy sent me home early tonight, so I'm updating the blog a bit earlier tonight. Again, we are mightily grateful for your prayerful, compassionate concern.

As I closed with in the last entry, Trudy's greatest need is that the lungs begin to show some discernible improvement and that her bone marrow begins to produce white blood cells. While we celebrate another X on the calendar showing the days since transplant, we also are aware that the more days her lungs stayed filled with Pneumonia, the more difficult it will be for her to get her lungs healthy again. So, we plainly seek your help, that prayers for Trudy will be focused on improving lungs and engraftment of the stem cells.

Sunday was a day of sedation and ventilator for Trudy. She seems to do well coming off the sedation and lower ventilator settings for a day, then all the tubes, the coughing, and the stress become more and more troublesome. The solution is to increase both the sedation and ventilator settings. As that has happened today, she is now restful and peaceful. Also, today, she received WBC's (thanks, Wayne), and whole blood, and Platelets. By the way, the blood and platelets were no doubt from people who had given specifically for Trudy, but we aren't told their identity. WBC's, however, are donated in the morning and then those very WBC's are delivered to, we do know who the donor is on those.

Thanks for all the amazing ways that show support for Trudy...and all of her family. Every effort is appreciated. As people of faith, we want you to know that the absolute greatest expression of your support is Prayer! Thanks, to all of you.

Lungs, Engraftment, and Blessings,
Trudy and Robert


Hello Friends and Fam,

Here is the update on Trudy's Birthday, Saturday, April 24. It was a nice day in a number of ways. First, Kirk brought Daniel, Melanie, and Kara for a visit to their Mommy and Pops. No bout a doubt it, they were a super dose of good medicine for Wendy and me. I don't think they minded one bit, sleeping on pallets in the living room! While they didn't get to see Grandma, seeing Pops and their Mom made things all better. Thanks, Kirk!

Making all that even sister, Marcia, came to give us some extra time with the kiddos. She also made a valiant effort to donate Platelets but as with about half of those who have tried, she was unable to do the complete donation. For various reasons, donating Platelets is unpredictable, and WBC donations are even more so. Thanks, Marcia, your gift of love to Trudy and to all of us was a great birthday present! Also, my friend, Wayne, who is our WBC donor for tomorrow, brought our mail down from Tioga.'d a thunk we'd been away a couple of years! Thanks Wayne for your gift of Platelets and WBC's for Trudy. Also, nephew Andy and his wife, Tessia came down to visit Aunt Trudy and to donate, that's a birthday gift.

Trudy's condition remains serious but with some very positive signs. Both Kidney and Liver are functioning as they ought and that is major PTL! Our prayer focus now turns to two major issues: Lungs and Engraftment. The Pneumonia remains a difficult treatment challenge. We pray that the meds will begin to work in a powerful way to help her lungs clear. Further, the over-riding issue, is that she needs her bone marrow to start producing white blood cells. So, as we celebrate her birthday and the very important improvements, we also know that we must embolden our prayers. May God's great heart grant to my beloved, supernatural grace, peace, and mercy as healing, His healing comes to her.

Trudy and Robert

Friday, April 23, 2010


Hello Dear Friends and Family,

Tonight the blog celebrates Trudy's birthday (April 24). We were both born in 1951 and we were married in 1971, so our special days each year have a nice chronological sequence to them. This year it's 59, 59, and 39. Yeah, yeah, I know, you've already figured out next year...but that's okay with us. We have been blessed to see God's hand in every one of those years. And, we shall never forget His mighty hand in 2010!

Trudy had a good day. Her kidney and liver organs have continued to move toward normal levels. This is a "Big Time" praise note! Another good sign, even though her chest x-rays are not discernibly better, her functional area is considerably better. In fact, today she was weaned down to minimal sedation and the ventilator is set at lower level (meaning, she is doing more of the work in breathing and the machine is doing less). When she is awake as she is now, she can communicate through nods and slight hand a "thumbs up."
On the challenging side, when she is awake, she coughs more. While coughing helps in breaking up the Pneumonia congestion, it is pretty obvious that it is highly uncomfortable for her. Pray that she tolerates the discomfort of the throat tubing, the coughing, and the many things that can be so disconcerting; and that her vital signs will remain steady.

I will sign off tonight by saying to my wife, my girl-friend, by best friend, my "lover" in the best and purest possible sense: Happy Birthday Trudy! And many happy returns!

Trudy and Robert