Sunday, April 25, 2010


Dear Family and Friends,

Wendy sent me home early tonight, so I'm updating the blog a bit earlier tonight. Again, we are mightily grateful for your prayerful, compassionate concern.

As I closed with in the last entry, Trudy's greatest need is that the lungs begin to show some discernible improvement and that her bone marrow begins to produce white blood cells. While we celebrate another X on the calendar showing the days since transplant, we also are aware that the more days her lungs stayed filled with Pneumonia, the more difficult it will be for her to get her lungs healthy again. So, we plainly seek your help, that prayers for Trudy will be focused on improving lungs and engraftment of the stem cells.

Sunday was a day of sedation and ventilator for Trudy. She seems to do well coming off the sedation and lower ventilator settings for a day, then all the tubes, the coughing, and the stress become more and more troublesome. The solution is to increase both the sedation and ventilator settings. As that has happened today, she is now restful and peaceful. Also, today, she received WBC's (thanks, Wayne), and whole blood, and Platelets. By the way, the blood and platelets were no doubt from people who had given specifically for Trudy, but we aren't told their identity. WBC's, however, are donated in the morning and then those very WBC's are delivered to, we do know who the donor is on those.

Thanks for all the amazing ways that show support for Trudy...and all of her family. Every effort is appreciated. As people of faith, we want you to know that the absolute greatest expression of your support is Prayer! Thanks, to all of you.

Lungs, Engraftment, and Blessings,
Trudy and Robert