Monday, April 19, 2010


Hello Family and Friends,

A Bazillion "Thank yous" doesn't seem enough for all the thoughts, prayers, and encouraging words you are and have been offering for Trudy. Today was a relatively quiet day and once again, some good progress and some difficult issues.

First the difficult. Yesterday, the X-rays seemed to reflect a regression in lung condition while her ventilator seemed to reflect improvement. Today, the roles are reversed. Also, while she is very much more alert, she is indeed much more aware of her discomfort and pain. So, today, she required some pain meds and was pretty fidgety. Yesterday, I alluded to caregiver concerns. Indeed, I ask that you pray for Trudy's sister, Katy. She had to return home not feeling well. Also, Wendy's husband, Kirk returned home to take care of their children and to take care of himself as well. Tomorrow, Brian returns to Louisville. We've got everything covered, but prayers are appreciated as we don't want to add any more caregivers at this stage of the game.

Now the good progress. Trudy is better in a number of ways. She continued today to keep her breathing strong and to exercise her lungs with deep breaths. Her kidney output continued to improve, and she was able to tolerate some moving around in the bed to help prevent skin issues. Also, the WBC's from Friday were still present in her body and along with Brian's WBC's on Monday afternoon, we are optimistic that they will help. She has had no fever, no dialysis, and she is another day closer to engraftment.

Pray for Brian, tomorrow. He will begin his day at the Blood Donor Center, providing WBC's for his mom. Then, he will be traveling back home to Louisville in the afternoon. We appreciate so much, his determination to be here, to extend his time here, and to go the extra mile with the donation of WBC's. He will be a tired puppy when he pillows his head tomorrow. Thanks, Jessica, Meredith, and Brodie; for giving us a couple extra days with him.

Praying for an early engraftment, for help from donated WBC's, and for Trudy to continue to fight off any further issues as she battles to keep this generally stable period by day.

Trudy and Robert