Friday, March 19, 2010

Waiting for Transplant - Update B - March 19

Hello again,

Since the earlier today update, we received a call concerning Trudy's seems that some of the blood work popped positive for flu virus. So, she is now taking Tami-flu medication. She actually has felt better today and does not / has not had the aches and pains I would normally associate with the flu. Maybe that's because she had taken the flu shots and they served to lessen the normal flu effects??

We are at home...our Louisiana home that is...and glad for a few days here before the long-term Houston treatments begin. We are going back early next week to meet with her doctor and see how all this might affect the timing of the transplant. In the meantime, thanks for allowing us to give you another prayer request...that this flu virus will clear quickly and completely.

Trudy and Robert