Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Trudy!!

Hello Friends,

Today is Trudy's birthday. Last night during church, she mentioned as a "praise" note, that she sure felt better this birthday than last year's.

If you remember, last year, we were still in our Houston apartment and she was feeling quite sick as she recovered from her second intensive chemo and a second infection. I had her choose from an online menu of one of her favorite restaurants (Olive Garden) and then I picked up the delicious items...only to find out that no matter how much she wanted to eat...she simply couldn't. It was a pretty frustrating moment; not to be able to enjoy a birthday meal and to feel so "in the grip" of her Leukemia.

Today, just one year later, she has been to a Parish 4-H annual meeting to work in one of the special exhibits. She was at a station that showed students how hand crafts have been done through the years. Her demonstration was the craft of tatting that she learned from my Grandmother Shackelford some thirty years ago. The delicate art of tatting is quite rare these days and her obvious skill and artistic ability is something to behold.

Additionally, she has been in her old classroom at Tioga High School three afternoons this week filling in while her substitute attended some afternoon seminars. She did experiments, taught, and generally demonstrated her all-around professionalism in the classroom. Not to make you tired, but she also did some church activities and put together a special luncheon for our church secretary (including composing her own lyrics to a song).

Well, needless to say, we are mighty thankful for feeling well and blessed. Prayerfully, we shall not ever, ever, take feeling good for granted. Thanks again for your prayers on Trudy's behalf. The treatments do exact a toll and we are mindful to thank God for His blessings and seek His continued hand upon her that she may grow stronger and that the Leukemia will stay away.

Trudy and Robert