Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Update

Hello all,

On Monday, Trudy began "Month 7" of the 30 month Maintenance Protocol . . . slowly, but surely, the months keep clicking off. We are thankful for each completed step.

The cycle began with some lower blood counts than we would like. So, Trudy has had to endure a couple of extra Neupogin shots by nurse Robert this week. Praise the Lord, the counts have risen back to the needed levels and she is back to the regular schedule of shots. Blessedly, she had no bad symptoms during the low readings and she is "feeling well and blessed." The first five days of a cycle include large doses of Prednisone. That makes her feel yucky and her sleeping at night is restless. However, the most difficult time is the 36-48 hours after she finishes the Prednisone. She is achy and as my Mom used to say, has the "heeby-jeebies." It just takes that much time for her system to normalize. Still, she is doing well and doesn't let this one yucky week slow her down.

Thanks for all the prayers. Trudy does love all the "guestbook" entry notes, the emails, calls, and visits. More than that she and I both appreciate and feel the blessings of friends and family prayers. Please pray that she will continue to get stronger and that the Leukemia will stay away. Also, please remember that she returns to M. D. Anderson Hospital on the 31st for a Bone Marrow Aspiration and consult with Dr. Koller and her terrific Leukemia Team.

Trudy and Robert