Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Visitors to a Strange Planet


We thank you for checking-in to the blog and we welcome your prayers and your love.

Thursday, Trudy and Robert will board our early morning flight, head down to visit a unique and magnificent place . . . Houston's M. D. Anderson Hospital. We'll be there the entire day as we navigate from 8:00 a.m. labs in the Leukemia Clinic, to the Bone Marrow Aspiration clinic, to various errands, and back to the clinic for afternoon consults with Trudy's fine Leukemia Team led by Dr. Koller. Then, we'll catch the airport Limo to get us to our return flight back to Alexandria.

Thankfully, we are able to do a lot of things in only one day . . . however, it will be a long day. Your prayerful concern means so much to us! We are praying for a smooth trip, that Trudy will tolerate the procedure and the examinations with little or no discomfort, good stamina, and that the Leukemia will stay away.

Trudy and Robert