Thursday, September 27, 2007

Back home in the same day

Hi Everyone,

We are back home . . . it is nice to be able to travel to Houston, do numerous things at M.D. Anderson Hospital, and be back home before dark! Thank you Lord for air travel.

Trudy did well and tolerated the labs and Bone Marrow test in fine fashion. The Bone Marrow procedure was the kind where they take a sample of the bone and the marrow. She has experienced these procedures when it was quite painful, but today's (as usual at MDA) was virtually pain free! Her labs were really strong . . . as strong as they have been since April.

She will not know the results of the Bone Marrow Biopsy until Tuesday . . . so while we wish we could tell you more, it will wait. Dr. Koller was very pleased with how healthy she looks and well she feels. In fact, she was so strong that he is recommending that she increase the chemo meds to previous levels. His reasoning is that she must maintain the best possible balance of feeling good with getting the maximum amount of Leukemia fighting chemo that she can tolerate. So, with a few tweaks, she will continue to fight Leukemia and find the optimum balance in these areas. She will see Dr. Wold on Monday to get everything recalibrated.

Thanks so very much for keeping up with Trudy on this blog, and for the prayers and love that are so very much needed, appreciated, and felt.

Trudy and Robert